European Travel Information and Authorization System
ETIAS news

ETIAS is Focused on Improving the Security of the Schengen Area

Etias Visa Waiver
ETIAS Europe

ETIAS Visa Waiver to Europe will assist in identifying individuals who may pose a security risk or illegal migration risk before they board an aircraft on their way into the European Union.

Visa-exempt travelers will need to apply online for travel authorizations via ETIAS. This will improve security and allow information about previously unknown visitors. This will enable the Member States to enhance law enforcement and border control.

How can the ETIAS Visa Waiver help?

ETIAS Visa Waiver Program collects information in compliance with data protection laws.

ETIAS will assess irregular or security migration risks. ETIAS is a sophisticated system that will compare the information provided by citizens from visa-exempt countries to several security databases, including Europol and Interpol, to determine if travel authorizations can be issued or denied.

The data can be provided to the local law enforcement agencies for the following purposes:

  • Prevention, detection, investigation, and prosecution of terrorist offenses or severe criminal offenses
  • Identification of fraudulent activities and terrorist attacks

Every application will be checked against the following databases

Helpful Information about ETIAS Systems

The EU currently uses these information systems. These systems are being updated to integrate seamlessly with ETIAS verification processes and other plans.

The Schengen Information System (SIS)

  • Are there any new alerts for terrorist-related activities or missing or wanted persons?
  • Authorities can use a biometric search to identify dangerous or conflicting subjects.

Visa Information System (VIS)

  • Allows for the verification and issuance of European asylum and visa applications
  • Border guards can verify that the visa holder was the person who presented it.
  • Recognize and take the required steps to protect the Schengen Zone
  • Ensures safety of citizens from fraud and identity theft
  • Assistance with investigating, detecting, and preventing terrorist acts and other illegal activities

Other Information Systems

EU is currently developing ETIAS and working to create different information systems to enhance its internal security. These include:

  • The Entry/Exit System records visa-exempt travelers crossing the Schengen border. It also records unsuccessful tries to enter countries.
  • The European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS) is designed to give EU authorities access to criminal records from citizens of third countries convicted in a Schengen state.

Relevant Interpol databases

The following security databases will be integrated into ETIAS to make Europe safer:

  • Interpol Stolen Travel Document Database (SLTD)
  • Interpol Travel Documents associated to Notifications database TDAWN.
  • Europol will create a dedicated ETIAS watchlist.

ETIAS will compile relevant information about visitors to Schengen before their arrival and compare it with existing databases. This will eliminate security gaps and provide essential data to all Member States.

ETIAS may also be helpful in

  • Help identify suspicious persons and potential risks before they reach the Schengen Area’s outer borders
  • Improved detection of human trafficking, particularly in cases involving minors
  • Assisting in fighting border-crossing crimes
  • Helping to determine individuals whose presence may pose a security threat in the Schengen area
  • Perform faster and more thorough inspections of passengers at EU and third-country borders

Other EU Regulations to Improve Security in Europe

The European Union is also implementing other tactical measures parallel to the ETIAS visa-exempt.

The EU is expanding Frontex’s scope and strengthening Frontex. This helps further develop the connection between the Coast Guard Agency, the European Border, and national authorities, which will improve their ability to:

  • Track individuals
  • Seek perpetrators
  • Stop money laundering and financing terrorist acts
  • Prevent radicalization
  • Avoid crime while crossing the border

Frontex partnered with INTERPOL in April 2022 to launch the Frontex INTERPOL digital library document system. The system uses information about travel documents and their security features to help border control officers detect counterfeits.

Some Schengen countries (Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Germany, and Norway) have implemented temporary internal border controls in exceptional circumstances.

EU measures to stop radicalization in Europe

ETIAS refers to a joint approval for legislation that aims to prevent the radicalization of EU citizens and protect the well-being of Schengen residents.

  • EU citizens should not visit conflict zones in Syria or Iraq to join terrorist jihadist groups
  • To counter-radicalization, Facebook must immediately remove terrorist content after receiving an order from officials
  • The creation of a continent-wide hate preacher watchlist. It’s used to help prisoners with radical beliefs and guide them towards social inclusion.

These measures resulted in a marked decrease in terrorist attacks in 2018 and the number of victims in the European Union. They will continue to decline as the EU security system and policies become fully operational in the coming years.