European Travel Information and Authorization System
ETIAS news

What are the ETIAS requirements to visit Microstates?

Etias Visa Waiver
ETIAS Europe

What’s a Microstate?

It is difficult to define what a Microstate is. However, it can be described as any country or state with a small area or population. A Microstate generally has both.

Microstates are different from micronations because they are independent sovereign entities that may not be recognized internationally. Some of these smaller nations have been merged with larger countries. Others, however, have remained independent.

There are four microstates within the borders of Europe. These are:

  1. Andorra
  2. Monaco
  3. San Marino
  4. Vatican City

Experts are disputing the inclusion on the list of the Vatican City as a microstate. Experts claim it does not meet the criteria. These are Liechtenstein (Malta) and Liechtenstein (Liechtenstein). However, they are included in ETIAS because Malta is a member of the European Union, and Liechtenstein is part of the European Economic Area (EEA).

Although these states are relatively small, they are popular tourist destinations. It is unclear how these states relate to the EU or whether they are subject to the new ETIAS requirement. You may need travel permission to visit Rome or another country to reach these destinations.

European Agreements

The European Microstates (Malta and Liechtenstein) are part of the larger European structure to varying degrees. Each state has its agreement with the EU about membership, access, and movement of persons.

Except for Liechtenstein, which uses the Swiss Franc to measure currency, all other countries use the euro. The euro can be accepted, however. It allows them to move goods and people within Europe. Although it is not an EU member, Vatican City is. It must have the same documentation as all other European countries, including ETIAS. ). Liechtenstein is a Schengen state subject to the same travel regulations as the EU and Schengen.

Although microstates may be autonomously governed and ruled, they do not have the right to issue Schengen Visas. This could permit undesirable or unwanted people to enter Europe through a backdoor.

European Microstates Entry and Exit

Microstates can be challenging to reach because of their small size and geographical location. Because of their size and location, microstates are challenging to achieve.

ETIAS will allow third-country passport holders to travel visa-free within the EU. ETIAS will make it possible for visa-free travelers to Europe to travel without a visa. This could change in the coming months or even years.

Information about Microstates

Despite their small size, microstates are popular tourist attractions. These small countries are popular tourist attractions.


Andorra is a landlocked country located on the French-Spanish border. It covers less than 500 km. The population is approximately 80,000. Andorran’s economy heavily depends on tourism. Andorra is well-known for its ski resorts and duty-free shopping. These are comparable to top destinations in France and Switzerland, but they are slightly more affordable than their more famous counterparts.

Toulouse, Perpignan, and Girona are the nearest airports to France. Non-EU citizens will require an ETIAS regardless of travel via Spain or France.


France borders Monaco to the east, west, and north, while its southern border is the Mediterranean Sea. It covers only two kilometers. Monaco is only two kilometers in size but ranks second for population density.

Monaco, officially called the Principality is too small to be an airport. Cote d’Azur Airport can be found in Nice. It is a 32-kilometer drive from there to the center.

Vatican City

Vatican City is the world’s smallest independent nation-state, with a total area of less than half a kilometer. It houses both the Pope and the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church. Every year, millions of tourists visit Vatican City. The Sistine Chapel, St. Peter’s Basilica, and other attractions can be enjoyed for free. However, tickets are required to enter the Vatican Museums. Because of the high number of tourists that they attract, this is why tickets are required.

Rome, Italy’s capital, is Vatican City’s border. You can reach it via the international airport.

San Marino

San Marino is surrounded by Italy and Monaco but is an independent country. It is a beautiful example of medieval architecture with narrow cobblestone streets.

Fly to Rimini Federico-Fellini International Airport to reach San Marino. It is only two hours away from Bologna. It will be in effect starting in 2022.
Visiting Malta or Liechtenstein


Malta is now a full member of the European Union. It is compliant with all regulations. British citizens will need ETIAS-approved passports to visit the seven islands. This despite Malta being under British rule since 1964. English is spoken almost as much as the Maltese language, making it a popular tourist destination for English. Its warm climate is also a draw.

Although Liechtenstein and Malta might technically be considered microstates (with a population of 525,000 and 45,000, respectively), the label doesn’t apply to them.


Although Liechtenstein is not a member of the European Union or Schengen countries, it is a member of the European Economic Area. It adheres to all EU directives. This includes the requirement that third-country nationals must have an ETIAS passport. Liechtenstein is rich, with its 40,000 inhabitants enjoying a high standard of living.

Tourists flock to the Alpine area for outdoor activities such as trail running or hill walking. You can do all these activities in half an hour by bus or car.

De Facto Schengen Members

Because they have open borders with larger neighbors, San Marino and Monaco are all de facto members of the Schengen Area. You must have valid ETIAS. These countries are included in the ETIAS program.

Andorra visitors do not require a visa (e.g., ETIAS, as the country is entirely landlocked. It cannot be reached by air except through France and Spain.